Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi

An Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics, History and Political Science

The Annals is a forum for the free exchange of ideas
among scholars working in the field of social sciences

Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi is a peer-reviewed academic journal aiming to promote interdisciplinarity as a method of scientific inquiry and a highly relevant issue in social sciences.

Based on the tradition of Annali della Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, founded in 1967, the Annals, which publish two issues per year, aim at facilitating communication and encouraging cross-fertilization of ideas among both established international scholars and younger scholars working in the field of history, economics, political science, and other social disciplines. Its articles have rigorous style and language, but are accessible to scholars belonging to different fields of social sciences.
The Editors welcome submissions from all social science disciplines across a broad variety of topics that support the mission of the Journal; manuscripts must adhere to the Instructions to authors.

The Annals is an open access journal. The whole collection of issues is published online (there are no submission or publication charges) on this website.

Abstracted/Indexed in Scopus, RePEc, IBSS, SJR, EconBiz
“A” Anvur category: 14/B2 – Storia delle relazioni internazionali, delle società e delle istituzioni extraeuropee
ISSN: 2532-4969



Giacomo Gabbuti, Introduction

Fabrizio Bientinesi and Marco Cini, “Economic Science and Corporatism: The School of Corporatist Sciences of Pisa”

Marco Molteni, “The Distress of Italian Commercial Banks in 1926-1936: A New Dataset from Supervision Archives”

Derek Hattemer, “Savings and Social Policy in the Fascist Parastate: The Istituto Nazionale delle Assicurazioni and the Campaign for Universal Corporative Insurance, 1929-1939”

Giacomo Gabbuti, “Fiscal Sources and the Distribution of Income in Italy: The Italian Historical Taxpayers’ Database”


Matthew D’Auria, Florian Greiner and Federico Trocini, “Introduction: Some Thoughts on the History of ‘European’ Liberalism”

Patricia Chiantera-Stutte, “The ‘Deus ex Machina’ of Liberal Internationalism: The Greek Empire, the British Commonwealth and the League of Nations in the Thought of Alfred E. Zimmern and Gilbert Murray”

Oded Yair Steinberg, “Teutonic Freedom. Racial Liberalism among the Anglo-German Victorians”

Bernd Braun, “Ernst Elsenhans (1815-1849): Lost Ideas about Social-Liberal State Building and an International State System in the Revolution of 1848-1849”

Paola Cattani, “Thomas Mann, Paul Valéry, José Ortega y Gasset and Democratic Liberalism. From Criticism to Defence, between Politics and Ethics”

Giuseppe Sciara, “Benjamin Constant’s Liberalism and Italian Anti-Fascism (1925-1945): Between Croce and the ‘Partito d’Azione'”


Enrico Bellino, “Terenzio Cozzi as a Growth Theorist”

Riccardo Bellofiore and Francesco Garibaldo, “The Adventures of Austerity. A Sympathetic Critique of Clara Mattei’s ‘The Capital Order'”

A Wordcloud of articles published in The Annals

Current issue (Vol. LVI 2 - 2022)

The Stockholm Conference at 50

Sara Lorenzini and Francesco Cassata

Un-common Nature. Neo-Malthusian Environmentalism Before 1972 UN Stockholm Conference

Jacopo Bonasera

The Nixon Administration on the Way to Stockholm 1972. The Diplomatic Side

Gianluca Borzoni

The International Labour Organization facing the UN Conference on the Human Environment (1968-1978)

Federico Paolini

Giorgio Nebbia, Bartolomeo Sorge and the Contribution of the Holy See to the UN Conference on Human Environment

Luigi Piccioni

Barbara Ward and the Transformative Power of the Stockholm Conference at the Birth of Sustainable Development

Sara Lorenzini

Understanding Sustainability Economics. The Examples of Health and Environment

Peter Söderbaum

“Econosophy”: Venturing a Transdisciplinary Approach to Philosophy and Economics

Valentina Erasmo

Good Theories and Bad Practices. Speculation and the Economists of the 19th Century

Annalisa Rosselli

Metamorphosis. Liberalism in History

Pier Paolo Portinaro

Our Italian American Heritage Today

Luigi R. Einaudi

Review of Stefano Fiori, Machines, Bodies and Invisible Hands. Metaphors of Order and Economic Theory in Adam Smith, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021

Craig Smith

Review of Anna M. Carabelli, Keynes on Uncertainty and Tragic Happiness. Complexity and Expectations, London-New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021

Danielle Guizzo

Albert O. Hirschman’s Methods. Review of M. Alacevich, A.O. Hirschman. An Intellectual Biography, New York: Columbia University Press, 2021, and J. Adelman, Worldly Philosopher: The Odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman, Princeton (NJ)-Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2013

Stefan Kesting

The Failed Epistemologies of AI?

Making Sense of AI Errors, Failures and their Impacts on Society

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Special issues

Volume LVI 2 – 2022

Edited by S. Lorenzini & F. Cassata

Contributions by J. Bonasera, G. Borzoni, F. Paolini, L. Piccioni, S. Lorenzini

Volume LVI 1 – 2022

Edited by C. Bernardi. Contributions by N. Rolla, J. Heinsen, G. Bonazza, F. Morelli, C. Bernardi

Volume LVI 1 – 2022

Edited by A. Baffigi and G. Vecchi. Contributions by I. Visco, A. Baffigi, F. Battistoni and M. Martinez, G. Gabbuti, A. Iodice and L. Oddo, W.N. Khan

Volume LV 2 – 2021

Contributions by A. Graglia, P. Braga, P. Soddu, M. Telò, L. Einaudi, A. Simonazzi, P. Subacchi, J. Kregel, F. Saraceno, A. Venturini, V. Palea, S.J. Konzelmann and M. Fovargue-Davies, D.W. Ellwood, A. De Francesco

Volume LV 1 – 2021

Edited by M. Cedrini and R. Marchionatti. Contributions by C. Gregory, J. Gowdy, N. Xenos, J. Carrier, P. Chanial and I. Silber, P. Llopart i Olivella, K. Ho, O. Raggio, S. Bourgeois-Gironde, S. Cesaratto and S. Di Bucchianico, G. Danese, V. Barassi, M. Sahlins

Volume LIV 2 – 2020

Edited by R. Camurri. Contributors: E. Acciai, G. Quaggio, C. Panizza, A. Gussoni, F. Fiorani

Vol. LIV, n. 2 – 2020

Contributors: F. Tuccari, M. Telò, L. R. Einaudi, S. Honoré, G. Finizio, S. Menegazzi, M. Calculli

Vol. LIV, n. 1 – 2020

Edited by F. Morelli and M. Mariano. Contributors: M. Henry, D. Besseghini, F. Nanni & A. Morea, E. Frezet, D. Ellwood

Vol. LIII, n. 2 – 2019

Contributors: A. E. Clarke and C. D’Ambrosio, L. Becchetti, P. Conzo, M. Pugno, E. Felice, D. Donnini Macciò, A. Carabelli

Vol. LIII, n. 2 – 2019

Contributors: S. Fenoaltea, L. Prados de la Escosura, A. Baffigi, G. Vecchi, C. Diebolt and M. J. Haupert, J. Assa

Vol. LIII, n. 1 – 2019

Edited by F. Cassata and S. Lorenzini. Contributors: S. Venditti and M. Noël

Vol. LIII, n. 1 – 2019

Edited by Matthew Evangelista. Contributors: J. M. Welsh, N. C. Crawford, E. Brighi, F. Armao, M. Boggero

Vol. LII, n. 2 – 2018

Edited by M. Cedrini and J. B. Davis. Contributors: R. Backhouse and P. Fontaine, M. D. White, J. B. Davis, A. Caillé
Vol. LII, n. 2 – 2018

Contributors: L. L. Pasinetti, B. W. Bateman, M. C. Marcuzzo
Vol. LII, n. 1 – 2018

Contributors include G. Bertola, K. O’Rourke, S. Fenoaltea, U. Panizza

Vol. LII, n. 1 – 2018

Contributors include: F. Tuccari, M. Meriggi, L. Di Fiore, V. Beonio Brocchieri, P. Delpiano, G. Gozzini

Vol. LI, n. 2 – 2017

Contributors include M. Ambrosi, G. Bertola, M. Bresciani, T. Caponio, P. Clarke, L. Einaudi, M. Ferrera, J. Kregel, L. Quaglia, F. Saraceno, M. Telò, V. Valli.
Vol. LI, n. 1 – 2017

Contributors include J. Bibow, A. Carabelli, M.  Cedrini, E. Citera, P. Clarke, J. Davis, S. Dow, L. Fantacci, R. Marchionatti, P. Paesani, K. von Seekamm, R. Skidelsky, D. Togati, and D. Vines.