Contract professor of History of Economic Thought, Ethics and Philosophy of Economics; Economics (University of Turin and University Lyon 2); Philosophy of Law (LUISS University), Paolo Silvestri is currently working on a research project, “Homo contribuens“, focusing on: tax justice; reciprocity and gift-giving in fiscal contract; Institutionalized solidarity vs. Spontaneous solidarity; Percentage Tax Designations Institutions.
He held Visiting positions at Cornell University, where he was also “Luigi Einaudi” Chair Holder and Coordinator of the Cornell-in-Turin Study Abroad Programme; FRIAS, University of Freiburg; LSE; University Lyon 2. Among his honours and prizes: Marie Curie Fellowship (2017-18); Honorary “Fair Inheritance” Fellowship, Chaire Hoover d’éthique économique et sociale, UCL Louvain (2020-21).
Among his latest publications: (co-ed.) “On The Future of Law and Economics by Guido Calabresi: an interdisciplinary dialogue”, Global Jurist 3/2019; (ed.) “Economics, Law and Philosophy: Homo-what?”, Teoria e Critica della regolazione sociale, 3/2019; (co-ed.) “On the Institutional Analysis of Gift”, Journal of Institutional Economics, 16(5) 2019; Il dono del 5×1000. Sussidiarietà fiscale e Terzo settore (with S. Chiadò, A. Lo Presti), Quaderni della Fondazione CRC, 39, 1/2020; (co-ed.) The Gift in the Economy and Society. Perspectives from Institutional Economics and Other Social Sciences, Routledge 2020.