Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi

An Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics, History and Political Science

The Annals is a forum for the free exchange of ideas
among scholars working in the field of social sciences
Volume LVI 2 - 2022

“Econosophy”: Venturing a Transdisciplinary Approach to Philosophy and Economics

Valentina Erasmo,
pp. 127-144
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This paper proposes that the dialogue between economics and philosophy might give origin to a transdisciplinary approach (Bernstein 2015; Davis 2022) that I would call ‘econosophy’. This approach might produce a hybrid field characterized by high specialization in research that leads to nuanced disciplinary boundaries among the disciplines involved (Davis 2018). In this regard, this paper will consider the limitations and opportunities deriving from econosophy: about limitations, for instance, mainstream economics might potentially challenge the approach expressed here, for the issues that econosophy leaves open. About opportunities, an econosophical perspective offers a methodological base for enhancing the dialogue between philosophy and economics through a high level of specialization that might improve the scientific rigor and standing of these studies against the potential criticism of mainstream economics.